Dave McMillan

Technology has always fascinated me. Having a father who was an electrician, I was always around electronics. My parents bought me my first computer when I was 17 years old. My only computer before that was a Tandy 2000. The first time I got on my computer, it was a much bigger learning curve than I had anticipated. The computer was able to connect to the internet which was still a new thing. I remember it didn't take long for my parents to get a second phone line.

Some of the websites I visited intrigued me and I wanted to know how they worked. The first step was to buy an HTML book in Hastings. I read it from start to finish despite not being a big reader. On my Angelfire and Geocities pages, I practice HTML. After that, I learned how to make computer graphics with Paint Shop Pro. I spent hours perfecting images and items on my website. Then high school ended.

I started at Kilgore College in the fall of 1999. Sadly, I wasn't mature enough to recognize the opportunity. Due to my desire to make money rather than study, I dropped out in the second semester. In retrospect, it was a big mistake. Over the years, I continued to do graphics and coding. I worked in a factory for five years, drove a truck for a year, and worked in oilfields. I've never lost my love for coding.

A dip in the oilfield led me to a job as an eCommerce manager. I am a quick learner and a diligent student. The past 7 years have been a significant success in marketing and website management. My decision was to pursue a degree in design and development. I have a 4.0-grade point average after two semesters at Texas State Technical College. Having completed both semesters early, working full time, and having 5 children and 1 grandson. Being able to do what I love as a job is an absolute joy!

Notepad Target Regions

Experience in Years





Graphic Design




Project Mgmt.

