Kerry's Custom Woodwork

Kerry's Custom Woodwork

It would be the first "official" website that I had created, and it would be called Kerry's Custom Woodwork. In order to build the website, I used the platform. It was a static website that was developed for a local woodworker who wanted to showcase the work he had done. Creating content for the website was my responsibility, as well as coding, customizing, and customizing the website. The website is still under my responsibility to maintain and update. Basically, it consists of uploading new content, updating plugins, backing up data, and maintaining the website's hosting and backups. Creating all this content for this website was a great experience for me, and I enjoyed every aspect of it. Due to the owner's love for Harley Davidson, I decided on a black, white, and orange color scheme to fit the owner's taste.

Lily Bulb Photography

Lily Bulb Photography

In my 2313 Web Authoring course, I had to prepare a project site for the course. During this project, we were tasked with building a website using the many features of WordPress, including themes, plugins, and different types of customization blocks, in order to create a user-friendly website. In addition, this course provided an overview of the use of sitemaps, design briefs, wireframes, time schedules, quoting, and other tools used in software development. As a result of this project, I received an A grade.

Burnt Boiled Water Blog

As a part of my 1316 Web Design I class, our instructor had us create, build, and post regularly to a blog hosted on that we were supposed to maintain. In deciding the name of my blog, I came up with it because my ex-wife, some time ago, once caught a pot of boiling water on fire while she was cooking in the kitchen. As a result, I thought it would be a good fit for the name. The recipes that I post on my blog are all recipes that I have prepared for my big family and I like to share them with you. In the beginning, I wasn't too interested in the idea of writing a blog, but by the end of the course, I was eager to continue writing blogs. Check it out if you get a chance. Let me know what you think of it. In each recipe, I include utensils, ingredients, and step-by-step instructions on how I cook the food the way I do it, and how to use them.